Saturday, October 22, 2011

Its been a while....

March 2010 was my last enrty I almost forgot that I had a blog but I think that I am going to try to make writing here a daily or at least a weekly thing. Putting my thoughts in to words always seems to make things easier to comprehend!
 My wonderful son is now two & is the biggest handful ever. But he makes the hard days not so hard & the good days worth more then the world. I wish that I could keep him little forever! He talks & I swear is gonna start reading all on his own. It's amazing how smart he is & even more astonishing how quick of a learner he is. Children really are gods greatest gift! I am so so truly blessed to have my son & have made it my life's goal to let him know that he is truly loved.

Earlier today I was running over the past year in my life & I realised that there are ton of things that I have missed, taken for granted, & even lost. It makes me wonder if the things that I have done are what I was supposed to do or if I some how strayed off track and am just lost in this crazy life. There are some things I know had to be done but what about the others? Sometimes I let my mind take flight and it does zigzags, barrel rolls, & loses me between the moon & the stars. I miss a lot of friends that I used to have not just within the last year but back when life was going to school, doing homework, & sleep overs! Simple days like that make me giggle as I remisise over all the memories & people my path crossed! Friends to me have always been a treasure that I valued indeniably but as I made friends the past two years it seems as if the value of a friend is lessened by the need to be someone that is seen as what society deams acceptable. What happed to pinky promises, trusting, & being told the truth.